Business Ethics, Walk the Talk

The Lending Link to the American Dream

The Business Ethics Alliance Season 3 Episode 5

Daniel Padilla came to America almost 30 years ago looking to get into hospitality and his chance at the Dream. Instead, he worked in banking and finance in a position that was created overnight to address the fast-growing immigrant population in the city. In that time, he saw, and experienced, the exploitive and manipulative practices that targeted immigrants and financially vulnerable people.

Wanting to provide better alternatives to combat unethical services, particularly the predatory ‘Payday Loan’ businesses, he along with others, created Lending Link, a unique enterprise to provide services to these financially vulnerable people with ways of breaking through money barriers and cycles of debt and reaching success.

Listen with our host Blake Peterson as we chart Daniel’s amazing journey from chasing the Dream to becoming the dream-maker for the community.

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